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fund a supply of money or other resources that is collected and held for a particular purpose. [5 definitions]
running knot a slipknot.
train a connected series of railroad cars. [12 definitions]
training the act or process of providing discipline or instruction to a person or animal that is being trained. [2 definitions]
transcend to go beyond or rise above (a common limitation). [4 definitions]
transfuse to transmit or impart, as by causing to flow or become diffused. [2 definitions]
transgender relating to or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex which was assigned to them at birth.
transient brief in duration; transitory or temporary. [4 definitions]
trephine a circular surgical saw, mounted on a shaft and operated by a lateral handle, used to remove disks of bone, esp. from the skull. [2 definitions]
Trinity Sunday the Sunday after Pentecost, celebrated by certain Christians in honor of the Trinity; Whitsunday.
trust fund money or securities that are held in trust, as for a minor.
turning point a moment when a decisive change occurs. [2 definitions]
twin-engine powered by two engines, as an airplane.